Thursday, September 01, 2005

PfCONA NewsFLASH: Greater Austin Relief Effort Emergency Meeting and Possible Local Drop Off for Items

Pflugerville Pfolks interested in getting involved in relief efforts,

The following is based on information that came from a Pflugerville resident and Citizen on Patrol, who received it from the United Way:

CTXVOAD (Central Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) is having an emergency meeting this Friday, September 2, to discuss and coordinate ongoing relief efforts. Non-members are welcome and encouraged to come!! If you know of any agency, organization, church, group, etc. providing any form of relief, including fund raising, please invite them.

CTXVOAD is made up of organizations like Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, churches, Capital Area Food Bank, city/county emergency offices, etc.

Meeting time/day: Friday, September 2, at 9:30am
Meeting place: Gymnasium of Parker Lane United Methodist Church, 2105 Parker Ln. From I-35, exit Oltorf and go east. Parker Ln. is the first light, just past the Luby's. Turn left (go north) at Parker Ln. I think Parker Lane United Methodist Church is the 2nd church on the right.

Local Agencies

The American Red Cross, 2-1-1, and the city/county OEM offices are gathering, updating, and disseminating information as it comes to United Way. If you hear of new information about relief services, please feel free to let United Way know and it will be passed along.

United Way is too swamped with calls to organize a relief effort.

The American Red Cross said they aren't organizing a relief effort at our level. They are asking for volunteers to man the phone lines. Also, they're going to be teaching classes for anyone who wants to deploy to the effected area. Anyone wanting to help in either of these capacities could call 512-928-4271. (The deployment is for 2 weeks.)
The Red Cross is referring people to the Salvation Army TX Division Disaster Hotline for anyone wanting to set up their own relief effort. Here is their list of the main things they want right now in Houston:

-New clothing (especially socks and underwear).
-Non-perishable food (preferrably industrial sized cans -- like for restaurants)
-Baby formula and diapers
-Flash lights and batteries

Blankets are not an issue at this point.

The Pflugerville Citizens on Patrol are thinking about using the parking lot at the high school as a drop off for the above items. (There is a Citizens on Patrol meeting, Thursday, Sept. 1, for anyone who wants to attend. 7 PM, Police Department.)
E-mail from Pflugerville Council of Neighborhood Associations (PfCONA)


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